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Mick James


Mick’s background is in Military Engineering as a decorated Army Veteran with 24 years’ service.

As a Chartered Health and Safety practitioner with over 20+ years of experience, Mick operated as an Executive Board Director for five years in multi disciplined businesses providing Estates & Asset Management, Safety, Health & Environmental Management, Cost Management, Project Management,  Technical & Commercial Services operating across a diverse range of infrastructure sectors acting on behalf of public and private sector organisations and PPP (Public Private Partnership) and PFI (Private Finance Initiative) partnerships.

Mick spent 18 years at Semperian PPP Investment Partners Group as their Health and Safety Director delivering best in class infrastructure asset management, safety, health and environmental compliance across Education, Health, Housing, MoD, Infrastructure, Accommodation, Custodian, Highways and Transport business sectors representing more than 450+ sites with a capital investment under management in excess of £8bn.